Do you ever feel that your business signs off on a solid plan every month, but it is never actually delivered? Does everyone seem to be running around putting out the latest fire, moving from one crisis to another, thinking that each is an isolated incident that could not have been prevented? Did you pull out all of the stops to build something that now sits in inventory? If so, you may want to attend our Integrated Tactical Planning course.
What Is the Purpose of the Integrated Tactical Planning Course
A primary objective of Integrated Tactical Planning is to ensure execution of previously agreed upon Integrated Business Planning process plans while recognizing that not everything happens as planned, enabling senior management to focus on the mid to long term planning horizon. This three-day virtual course provides insights into the processes required for the successful cross-functional management of detail-level planning and execution in the short term, tactical planning horizon.
What You Will Learn
This course takes participants through the fundamentals of an Integrated Tactical Planning process. It emphasizes how a working- small quorum of select roles, armed with the appropriate level of detail and supporting data, can help drive meaningful outcomes, including decisions needed to ensure alignment across the organization. This course draws from the instructor’s experience and emphasizes practical, applied concepts.
Participants will learn:
Best practices that companies are applying in Integrated Tactical Planning today,
- Managing changes inside the execution time horizon
- Common roles, responsibilities, accountabilities required
- Daily vs. Weekly vs. Monthly activities and the audiences that these processes serve
- Performance Measures that drive improvement
- Change Management insights and techniques

Todd Ferguson David Goddard
Value of the Integrated Tactical Planning Course
In the short-term tactical horizon, an optimized decision is often overlooked or fails to be communicated; companies are left discussing only what should have happened. ITP brings these discussions into a formal process that both ensures optimized decision making in execution and guidance to the IBP process for the near horizon.
The absence of ITP often leaves executive teams unable to take full advantage of the 24-month IBP horizon rather, IBP becomes a short-term planning process. Interestingly these same companies that have IBP processes addressing the tactical horizon also find a lack of clarity in detailed execution.
What Clients Say About Integrated Tactical Planning
Because of ITP, we are now ‘having data-driven discussions.’
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use EarlyBird for 20% off
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send 3 people for the price of 2- use 3for2
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