Assumption Management Workshop

It has commonly been said: Demand plans and forecasts are not wrong. It is the assumptions about the business that prove to be inaccurate.

The challenge is how to develop and manage assumptions – and be sure they are considered when developing the demand plan.

That’s the purpose of our two-day Assumptions Management Workshop. It is based on our real-world experience in operating and sustaining demand management processes that reduce bias and improve accuracy.

What Is the Assumption Management Workshop?

The focus of this workshop is to understand the fundamentals of developing and managing assumptions. Participants learn a structured way for organizations to identify key driving factors that influence demand – and base demand plan numbers on those assumptions.

The deliverables of the workshop include: Design of the assumption management process along with assumption templates and agreement on roles and accountabilities.

What You Learn

The instructors have used assumptions management as part of a demand management process prior to joining Oliver Wight. They know how to make assumption management a routine part of a company’s demand planning process.

Participants will learn:

  • The importance of assumptions in improving the quality of a demand plan
  • What good assumptions look like
  • The sources of assumptions
  • How to document and track assumptions
  • How to document and track risks and opportunities
  • How to present in the Demand Review those assumptions that drive the plan

Value of the Assumption Management Workshop

Companies with robust assumption management reduce bias and more easily reach consensus on the demand plan. The demand plan is more credible and trusted. Demand plan accuracy improves as clarity on assumptions help to drive better plan execution.

Follow-up After the Workshop

We stay engaged after the workshop by providing agreed upon support to:

  • Follow up on your progress in implementing the assumption management process
  • Addressing change management issues – people, process, and behaviors
  • Coaching to improve the quality of the assumptions and judgement in translating assumptions into the demand plan numbers
  • Coaching on how to integrate assumptions into software and other planning tools, as needed

Insights on Assumption Management:

Quick Guide To Assumption Management

White Paper: Assumptions – The Key To Successful Demand Management

Webinar: Assumptions – The Key To Successful Demand Management